Starting school in Prep
When children start school they move from a play-based environment to a more formal learning environment. There are many more people and relationships for children to navigate and the physical surroundings are often quite different. Families play an important role in supporting a child's transition to school.
In Queensland, Prep is the first year of schooling. Children must be 5 by 30 June in the year they start
Prep. Prep is a full-time program and children attend from Monday to Friday during normal school hours.
Starting Prep is an important time for all concerned. Children are often excited by their move from kindergarten to school, families are aware of their children growing up and educators often look forward to a new year with a new group of children. For many children and families, along with the excitement goes a sense of anxiety — a sense of not being exactly sure what will happen and what school will be like.
For enrolment in the Prep year, there are a number of fact sheets available to help parents/carers prepare.